How to make your soul happy

We all live in a very busy world and try to relax and feel good by doing different things whenever we get time.  But hardly any of those ways improve our health or please us.  Here are some ways that will help you cheer up and bring joy to your soul.

1. Make yourself a chilly lemonade, grab a book, sit on the swings or just the grass in your backyard and enjoy the breezy wind and sunshine all together.

2. Where’s that curve on your lips? Smile all the time.  If you don’t feel like then make yourself smile.  When you smile you look pretty and your face glows.

3. Pick up the phone and dial a friend’s number, someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.  Someone you know who will make you feel good or who’ll make you giggle and laugh.

4. Become generous by doing good for others.  Do something good for someone once a day (at least).  The satisfaction you avail from this is priceless.  You feel as if you’ve changed.  You can help a senior citizen cross the road, help your new neighbours with their furniture, pay for a someone’s ticket who’s behind you or donate your clothes.  There’s so much good to do.

5. Plant flowers.  Don’t have a yard or a garden?  Go over to your neighbour’s or friend’s place and start gardening there.  Or you can even buy some small pots, plant in them and place them on your window sill.

6. Head out of your house and take a long, slow walk.  Take a route you’ve never taken before.  Just make sure you don’t get lost.

7. Go to a park, hit the bench and absorb the things around you; the wind, the noise, the chirping, the chattering, feel it all.  You can also plan a picnic and enjoy it.

8. Tell a loved one you love them with a tight hug.

9. Don’t listen to music; sing instead.  Singing helps you wander and you’re forget all your worries.  Don’t think you have a bad voice, just sing.

10. Say “thank you” to everyone that helps you even if it’s a cashier, janitor, your teacher, your husband or even your kid.  Thanking them means your grateful.

11. let go of negativity and search for positivity.  Don’t let pessimism bring you down.

12. Write a letter to someone you love.  No, not an e-mail and don’t even think about texting.  A simple letter.  It’s double the pleasure when your letter will brighten up their day.

13. Stay away from the television, computer, iPad, iMac, and put your iPhone and Blackberry away for a while.

14. Find your inner creativity.  Do some arts and crafts, cook or clean your house (my favourite).
   BY: TIPU gang
           Improve Your Work Ethic with Time Management

  1. Taking on the world. You like to get things done and you believe you have the capacity to complete multiple projects. As you begin to work, you feel more and more overwhelmed. With multiple projects pulling you in several different directions, your efficiency actually decreases and you are no longer putting in your best effort. One way to combat this situation is to set boundaries with your boss and other coworkers. When you are asked to add another job to the already overwhelmingly large list of things to do, say that you’d love to help but you are not ready to take on more than you can handle.
  2. Failing to plan or planning to fail? Before you set off on a new task, come up with a timeline or a game plan of how you are going to handle the project. Try to anticipate possible problems that may arise in the process and think of plausible solutions. Although this does not mean that the situation will fold out exactly as you expect, at least you will have a general idea of how to proceed. Not planning before you start can be a serious waste of time. If you do not look ahead and think about the necessary steps for project completion, you may miss several vital points and be forced to go back and redo your previouswork.
  3. Forget about multitaskingMultitasking works great for teenagers who somehow manage to write text messages on their cell phones while copying an assignment from the , and thinking about a new sweater they’d like to purchase at the mall. In the world of working professionals however, multitasking can be a serious deterrent to productivity. Dividing your attention decreases the quality of your work and actually contributes to escalating stress levels. Instead of trying to do 3 things at once, prioritize your duties and focus on completing the most important task first.
  4. Model workers take breaks. Take a 5 minute break every hour. Get up and stretch your legs, or take a walk to the water cooler and back. The important thing is to give your mind a change of scenery while shifting your thinking process away from your task. Hours of nonstop work dulls the mind and limits the mental abilities. Taking a short break can be surprisingly refreshing and can improve the speed and quality with which you continue to work after the break.
  5. After this you will be a time manager.

         BY: TIPU gang

            What Eating Habits Say about your Health

 So you like to eat. That’s not only good, it’s healthy. But when you like to eat too much, there may be a problem. Perhaps it is time that you consider what your eating habits suggest about your health.

1. You’re a vegetarian, so no meat. Being a vegetarian says that you are not only committed to your health, but to a cause. But here is the thing about being a vegetarian – if you do not maintain a well-rounded diet amongst your vegetarian products; your health could be put at risk. Iron-Deficiency Anemia and Macrocytic Anemia are two dangerous illnesses associated with vegetarianism. Choose a variety of foods that are vegetarian, but also include sources of protein and iron.
2. You have what most people would consider a ‘healthy’ diet. You only eat junk food on special occasions, you abstain from smoking or alcohol use, and you pay attention to what you eat, specifically natural or whole foods. This says that you are a relatively healthy person. Pick up a little bit of exercise throughout the week and you will be in tip top shape. Exercise motivates your metabolism, which helps with breaking down foods. Just taking a walk can keep the body acting as it should.
3. Anorexia and other eating disorders. While common in students and young people, it still appears amongst adults and teens of all ages. So you may begin to feel empowered after losing a certain amount of weight. The ‘skinny body type’ has been in demand for several years now. But now what? There is nothing healthy about losing or not receiving any nutrition.  In fact, the side effects include lost brain and muscle tissue, a susceptibility depression, decreased sexual desire, and potential heart risks. This eating habit suggests you do not care about your health, only about your physical image. If you suffer from anorexia or an eating disorder, speak to your doctor as soon as possible. 
4.Junk food you eat, Chances are that this eating habit was picked up after a depressing time in your life, and food was a means of coping. No one can be judged for indulging in that moment of weakness when turning to comfort food. But this is not a habit you want to keep with. In fact, the side effects to your health include obesity, kidney failure, diabetes, and other health issues associated with the junk food diet. If you are interested in changing your eating habit.
5. Chronic dieting Its a great way to get in shape, but it can also be lead to   with your body. This eating habit suggests that you care perhaps too much about your body and not enough about your health. Try looking for a permanent life style change that will combine your desires with a healthy diet. The way you perceive your eating habits could be seen differently by other people. You may be overdoing your diet, or you may eat too much. Perhaps you are not consuming enough fiber or protein. When it comes to your eating habits, consider how other people view them. If friends or family are concerned, then you should be, too.

BY: TIPU gang